
The Transport Terminal Land Use Study explains the regulatory framework, the conflicts caused by that framework, applicable planning policies, provisions, and processes, and the conflicts and gaps in that planning framework, and recommends 11 actions that be implemented to minimize the conflicts and eliminate the gaps.

This report implements Actions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7 in the Transport Terminal Land Use Study. The remaining Action items in the Study will be considered during other reviews or studies, have budgetary implications, or require action by, or input from, other municipal departments.

Action 11 will be considered in the future when proposed revisions to the Highway Traffic Act are in force.

Planning Act Matters:

I concur with the above comments and opinion of the Registered Professional Planner.

Neil Robertson, MCIP, RPP                              Thom Hunt, MCIP, RPP 
Manager of Urban Design                               City Planner

I am not a registered Planner and have reviewed as a Corporate Team Leader

SAH      OC


Name Title
Neil Robertson Manager, Urban Design
Thom Hunt City Planner
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer






  1. Appendix 3B - New Section 18 (Manufacturing Districts 1)

  2. Appendix 3F - Rezoning Maps