Item No. 7.1

Council Report: S 146/2020

Subject: Transport Terminal Land Use Study - City Wide - Tabling


Date to Council: 11/16/2020
Author: Adam Szymczak, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner
519-255-6543 x6250
aszymczak@citywindsor.caPlanning & Building Services
Report Date: 10/20/2020
Clerk’s File #: Z/13528

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That the Transport Terminal Land Use Study, attached as Appendix A, BE TABLED for consideration at the December 14, 2020 meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee with no discussion at this time.

Executive Summary:



Section 38(1) of the Planning Act permits a municipality to pass an interim control by-law (ICBL) that prohibits the use of land, buildings or structures for such purposes as set out in the by-law. This in effect “freezes” development (that is described by the by-law) on the lands for a period not to exceed one year. An ICBL is an important planning tool that allows the municipality to rethink its current land use policies by suspending development that may end up conflicting with any new policy that may be developed. However, in order to enact an ICBL, Council must direct that a review or study be undertaken with respect to the existing land use policies in question.

Windsor’s Official Plan provides for the use of an ICBL, specifically it states that:

Council may pass Interim Control By-laws in accordance with the Planning Act to control and restrict the use of land, buildings or structures within the municipality or defined area, where council has directed that a review or study be undertaken in respect of land use planning policies in the municipality or defined area.