Propose Zoning By-law Amendments

The commercial zoning that is applied along the corridors is mainly CD2.2 which requires all residential units to be located above commercial uses. This provision is in good keeping with an urban context for mixed use buildings, however, as described above, the commercial market has changed in core areas of the City and allowing more flexible mixed-use zoning would help in the reuse of vacant buildings and would follow market trends. The idea is not to transition to a fully residential area, but simply to allow more uses on the ground floor than only commercial to promote the reuse of vacant buildings.

RECOMMENDATION: Review the zoning from Campbell Avenue to Crawford Avenue along Wyandotte Street West and University Avenue West to propose amendments that would permit a mix of uses and not require ground floor commercial uses.

Incremental Development Alliance  

Council approved the Incremental Development Alliance to undertake small developer training with Windsor small developers to promote incremental neighbourhood oriented development. One of the themes identified was the survival of small commercial units in older buildings. It is understood that the commercial and retail markets have changed leaving vacant commercial buildings. Incremental Development Alliance recognizes the importance of the retaining the character of buildings along mainstreets but allow the buildings to transition to other uses will allow the buildings to survive and be profitable and usable. One important aspect is to prevent a ‘dead frontage’ where windows are covered in an unsympathetic material and entrances are located on the side or rear of the building creating a blank wall along the street frontage. Zoning provisions can be implemented to require large glazing and doors located on the front of the building to prevent a ‘dead frontage’, as shown in the photo on the left below

Another important note to consider is that the idea is not to require the transition to fully residential buildings, rather to allow reuse and adaptation to reflect the current needs in the community. The example on the right in the photo below shows a small storefront window converted to a café window and the rest of the building used for another use.

RECOMMENDATION: Develop Zoning By-law Provisions that prevent a ‘dead frontage’ for buildings that are being converted from ground floor commercial to residential.

RECOMMENDATION: Offer financial incentives for façade improvements that enhance the mainstreet character of buildings, regardless of use.