1. Undertake an engineering analysis to identify stormwater quality and quantity measures as necessary to control any increases in flows in downstream watercourses, up to and including the 1:100 year design storm, to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

  2. Install stormwater management measures identified above, as part of the development of the site, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Essex Region Conservation Authority.

  3. Obtain the necessary permit or clearance from the Essex Region Conservation Authority prior to undertaking site alterations and/or construction activities.


  1. The applicant is directed to Section 51(39) of The Planning Act 1990 regarding appeal of any imposed conditions to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Appeals are to be directed to the City Clerk and Licence Commissioner of the City of Windsor.

  2. It is the applicant's responsibility to fulfil the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded by the