1. By-law_____has the following purpose and effect:
To amend the zoning of lands located on the north side of University Avenue West between Cameron and Elm Avenue described as Part Lot 73, Concession 1 (Roll No. 040-170-05400) by changing from Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) to a site-specific CD2.2 zoning district that would permit the development of a new multiple dwelling building with 133 dwelling units and no street frontage. The amendment also permits:
a decrease in the minimum required gross floor area of 53 dwelling units from 40m 2 to 31m 2 ;
an increase in maximum building height from 14m to 19m;
a decrease in required amenity area from 12m 2 to 10m 2 per dwelling unit;
a decrease in minimum required parking spaces from 1.25 spaces to 1 space per dwelling unit;
0 required visitor parking spaces;
required parking spaces on a property adjacent to the dwelling units they are intended to serve;
a decrease in required separation between: a parking area and interior lot line from 0.9m to 0m, and a parking area and a building wall containing a habitable room window from 4.5m to 0m; and
a decrease in the minimum required lane width within an access area from 3.5m to 3m.
The amendment provides for the redevelopment and adaptive reuse of the former industrial and commercial property known historically as the SW&A Street Railway storage and maintenance barns.
2. Key map showing the location of the lands to which By-law_____applies.