Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, November 16, 2020

Report Number: S 152/2020

Clerk’s File: ZO/13900 & ZB/13896


There being no further business the meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee ( Planning Act Matters) portion is adjourned at 9:06 o’clock p.m.

The Chairperson calls the Administrative Items portion of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to order at 9:06 o’clock p.m.


11.1. Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road - Ward 2 - Applicant: E. Selaya - 3769 Blackburn Court - SAA/5612

Brian Chillman, Solicitor representing Ken Khahra

Brian Chillman, Solicitor representing Ken Khahra, appears via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee to speak in support of the administrative report “Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road - Ward 2 - Applicant: E. Selaya - 3769 Blackburn Court - SAA/5612 .”

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Morrison

Decision Number: DHSC 217

  1. THAT the portion of the 3.66 metre wide north/south alley located west of Huron Church Road abutting properties on the east side of Blackburn Court, and shown on Drawing No. CC-1738 labelled as Part 1 and Part 2 attached as Appendix “A”, BE ASSUMED for subsequent closure.
  2. THAT the portion of the 3.66 metre wide north/south alley located west of Huron Church Road abutting properties on the east side of Blackburn Court, and shown on Drawing No. CC-1738 labelled as Part 1 and Part 2 attached as Appendix “A”, BE CLOSED AND CONVEYED in two equal halves to the abutting property owners, in a manner deemed appropriate by the City Planner, subject to the following:

    a) Easement, subject to their being accepted in the City’s standard form and in accordance with the City’s st andard practice, be granted to:

    • Bell Canada, Cogeco Connexion, MNSi and Enwin Utilities Ltd.

  3. THAT Conveyance Cost BE SET as follows: