Multi-Residential Properties are Stable and in Good Condition

Along University Avenue from California to Campbell the predominate land use is multi-unit residential buildings ranging from two storeys to five storeys tall. These buildings are well maintained and provide a different housing option from the surrounding single detached dwellings in the surrounding residential neighbourhoods. This land use should be protected to provide a mix of housing types and tenure for the neighbourhood.

Recent Development Applications Request Ground Floor Residential

Two recent development applications have applied for zoning by-law amendments to permit ground floor residential in two storey buildings that were previously ground floor commercial. The commercial zoning applied along both corridors is primarily CD2.2 which permits dwelling units in a combined use building provided that the dwelling units are located above the non-residential uses. This is a good principle for mixed use buildings that fall within an area of stable and continuous commercial uses. However, in many sections of the two corridors, the commercial uses are mixed in with single detached dwellings or multi-unit residential buildings.