A Community Improvement Plan is a tool under the Planning Act to address communies in transion that are facing fscal, econom - ic, demographic and environmental pressures. Each neighbourhood within a municipality may be facing a different set of pressures and issues and a Community Improvement Plan allows a municipality to study, idenfy and propose recommendaons specifc to the neighbourhood. The Community Improvement Plan tool has been used successfully in the City of Windsor (for example, Sandwich Towne, Ford City, Downtown and along mainstreets) and has offered fnancial incenve programs aimed at addressing the issues in each neighbourhood.

The University Avenue West corridor and Wyandotte Street West corridor from downtown to Huron Church Road play an important role in connecting neighbourhoods and providing a mix of commercial and residential uses. The Community Improvement Plan reviews both the University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West corridors from a comprehensive land use perspective to make recommendations for changes to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law and make recommendations for financial incentives aimed at revitalizing the two corridors.

Special attention to these corridors is important to consider the opportunities, the aging infrastructure and buildings, and the important connections between the downtown and the University of Windsor. The corridors have been in decline and transition and will benefit from this targeted review.