Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, November 16, 2020


10.1. Windsor Municipal Heritage Register Update (City-wide)

Kristina Tang, Heritage Planner appears via video conference before the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting regarding the administrative report "Windsor Municipal Heritage Register Update" and provides a brief outline of the report, adding 31 new properties to the Heritage Register, review of certain streets and sites related to streetscape features, reconfirming demolished properties, and removal of one property that has already been demolished.

Councillor Holt requests clarification related to the process of placing properties on the Heritage Register on an ongoing basis, including the selection of the properties. Ms. Tang indicates that reviewing these properties allows the City to determine the value of existing heritage resourses which have not previously been recognized, and for these properties to be added to the heritage register. Ms. Tang adds that the placement of these resources on the register recognizes the cultural heritage value of the properties prior to irreversible loss happening. Ms. Tang indicates that identifying the new additions to the Heritage Register depends on the current Heritage staff. Ms. Tang adds that the Heritage department conducted a review of the Riverside Dr. W. Area in 2018 and the Ford City properties in 2019. Ms. Tang also welcomes any member of the public to provide information or nominations for properties that have cultural value to be added to the Heritage Register.

Councillor Holt inquires as to why it is in City’s best inte rest to protect the properties. Ms. Tang indicat es that Heritage resources are very tangible physical resources and part of the City’s histor y, identity as a City, and past. Ms. Tang adds that the history of the Community is very important, and it also important where the community is, moving forward. Ms. Tang states that there is a public benefit when heritage resources are protected.

Councillor Morrison inquires about the Drouillard underpass and why it would be on the Heritage register. Ms. Tang indicates that typically buildings are placed on the register but there are also structures placed on the register. The underpass is a landmark in the Ford City neighbourhood, and the Heritage department is just identifying it as a landmark in the neighbourbood and that it has history and ties to Ford City by placing it on the Heritage Register.

Councillor Sleiman inquires about permissions moving forward should enhancements be required to the bridge. Ms. Tang indicates that the registration is limited to the concrete/steel and beam structure and that it would be a more complicated process involving federal policies that may superscede local policies. Ms. Tang adds that the Committee and then Council would make the decision if an alteration is put forward as is the case with any listed property.

Councillor Holt inquires as to whether the City notifies the property owners when their properties are put on the Heritage Registery. Ms. Tang indicates that the owners are notified after Council makes the decision to include the properties. Ms. Tang indicates that a letter is sent to the property owners describing what it means, a write up about the property, and contact information for the Heritage Department should the property owners require it.