Multimodal transportation system: means a transportation system which may include several forms of transportation such as automobiles, walking, trucks, cycling, buses, rapid transit, rail (such as commuter and freight), air and marine.

Sensitive land uses: means buildings, amenity areas, or outdoor spaces where routine or normal activities occurring at reasonably expected times would experience one or more adverse effects from contaminant discharges generated by a nearby major facility . Sensitive land uses may be a part of the natural or built environment. Examples may include, but are not limited to: residences, day care centres, and educational and health facilities.

Transportation demand management: means a set of strategies that result in more efficient use of the transportation system by influencing travel behaviour by mode, time of day, frequency, trip length, regulation, route, or cost.

Transportation system: means a system consisting of facilities, corridors and rights-of-way for the movement of people and goods, and associated transportation facilities including transit stops and stations, sidewalks, cycle lanes, bus lanes, high occupancy vehicle lanes, rail facilities , parking facilities, park’n’ride lots, service centres, rest stops, vehicle inspection stations, inter -modal facilities, harbours, airports , marine facilities , ferries, canals and associated facilities such as storage and maintenance.

Freight Supportive Planning

The following policies support and promote the appropriate densities, land use patterns and protective measures to ensure the long-term viability of efficient goods movement:

Transportation Systems

The PPS dedicates an entire set of policies to providing direction around the efficient development and protection of integrated transportation systems. These policies include: