Examples of Transport Terminals and Other Similar Uses

Figure 2 - Transport Terminal – Example 1

Figure 2 is an example of a fully paved transport terminal in Windsor that includes a loading dock, garage and office in a single building, an area for storing trailers, an area for parking tractors, and a separate parking area for other motor vehicles.

Figure 3 - Transport Terminal - Example 2

Figure 3 is an example of a partially paved transport terminal in Windsor. Offices and a warehouse/ cross-dock facility on the left side of the image. A service building with a garage is at the top of the image. Trailer storage dominates two-thirds of the site, with a portion being unpaved. Tractors are parked to the right of the office building, while other motor vehicles are parked in a separate area between the street and office.

The Transport Terminals in Figures 2 and 3 have wide aisles to allow for manoeuvring trailers in and out of the storage spaces.