APPENDIX E – City of Windsor Official Plan Excerpts

3.2 Growth Concept
The policies of this Plan are directed toward accommodating the projected growth through practical and efficient land use management strategies that promote a compact pattern of development and balanced transportation system. Compatible residential, commercial and employment growth will be directed to appropriate locations within existing and planned neighbourhoods to reduce development and infrastructure costs and provide opportunities to live, work and shop in close proximity. Mixed use developments will be encouraged with strong pedestrian orientations and to support public transit. This concept will enable Windsor to continue its growth and foster a vibrant economy, while ensuring a safe, caring and diverse community and a sustainable, healthy environment.
3.2.1 Safe, Caring and Diverse Community
NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRES Windsorites want to be a part of neighbourhoods that meet their needs as places to live, shop and play. Each neighbourhood will have a central area that provides a focus for activities and is within a convenient walking distance. Here, people will find shops, jobs, neighbourhood based services, public places that are safe and inviting, and a place to meet with neighbours and join in community life. The neighbourhood centre will provide a variety of housing types for all ages and incomes.
NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSING VARIETY Encouraging a range of housing types will ensure that people have an opportunity to live in their neighbourhoods as they pass through the various stages of their lives. Residents will have a voice in how this new housing fits within their neighbourhood. As the city grows, more housing opportunities will mean less sprawl onto agricultural and natural lands.
DISTINCTIVENEIGHBOURHOODCHARACTER Windsor will keep much of what gives its existing neighbourhoods their character – trees and greenery, heritage structures and spaces, distinctive area identities, parks, and generally low profile development outside the City Centre. Around the neighbourhood centres, the existing character of the neighbourhood will be retained and enhanced. Newly developing areas will be planned to foster their own unique neighbourhood identities with a mixture of homes, amenities and services.
COMMUNITY DESIGN The design of buildings and spaces will respect and enhance the character of their surroundings, incorporating natural features and creating interesting and comfortable places. Streets, open spaces and the greenway system will serve as public amenities connecting and defining neighbourhoods and contributing to W indsor’s image. New development in Windsor will accommodate the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and other recreational activities.
3.3.2 Vibrant Economy
COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT Revitalizing areas in need of improvement will improve Windsor, while protecting the community’ s investment in infrastructure and other services. Community improvement initiatives will strengthen neighbourhoods by providing new businesses, homes and public