Dillon Consulting Limited (‘Dillon’) has been retained by 2605385 Ontario Inc., herein referred to as the “Applicant”, to assist in obtaining the necessary planning approvals associated with a proposed mixed use development at 1200 & 1220 University Avenue West. On May 13, 2020, the applicant submitted a Zoning ‘Amendment application, Planning Justification Report, Traffic impact Study and Parking Memo to redevelop the site for a mixed use development. This memorandum is to be included as an amendment to the original Planning Justification Report submitted on May 13, 2020.

The original application was in support of developing:

The submitted zoning amendment application requested that the sites CD2.2 zoning be amended to a site specific CD2.2 zoning. The requested site specific CD2.2 zoning would include the following provisions: