APPENDIX G - Consultations

Built Heritage Comments- By City Heritage Planning Services and Urban Design (October 27, 2020)

The heritage structures involved in the proposal are listed as the S.W.& A Car Barns (Sandwich, Windsor & Amherstburg Railway) on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register. The subject property has strong cultural heritage value and interest through its association as the largest and later the only streetcar franchise. The City’s streetcar history has been the subject of recognition and celebration lately given the proposed display of a city-owned streetcar recently restored.

The subject property is a strong candidate for heritage designation. Discussion of heritage designation with previous owners of the subject property had resulted in preparation of research and draft designation by-law in support of heritage designation of the property. Heritage information such as the character defining elements identified have been shared with the current owners/proponents. City Staff intend to recommend for heritage designation of the property at the appropriate time.

At this time of major changes proposed to the property, additional heritage protection/conservation tools have been employed to ensure and encourage heritage-sensitive rehabilitation and to capitalize on the property’s strong cultural heritage value. Official Plan Section provides that direction.

The Built Heritage Impact Study/Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) prepared by Metropolitan Design Ltd. provided analysis of Cultural Heritage Value/Interest (CHVI) of the property, potential impacts of the development to the existing heritage resources, and provided solutions to reduce or mitigate the negative impacts (Official Plan Section 10.2.15). The HIA alongside City Administration review, also help inform the new construction, and the options for mitigation and alternatives along with the recommended conservation strategies.

It was recognized that the barrel roof building/1220 University Ave W- North (identified as a character-defining element of the heritage property) should be addressed immediately in order to stabilize and waterproof it to preven t further deterioration. The HIA and City’s monitoring of condition of the barrel roof building, resulted in the following request and expectation conveyed to the proponent:

Subsequently, the “Windsor Stree t Car Barns Barrel-Roof Building- Initial Assessment and Recommendations” letter prepared by Jonathan Dee of John G. Cooke & Associates Ltd (JCAL),