Chapter 6: Land Use

Chapter 6 contains polices applicable to lands within the Mixed Use lands use designation shown on Schedule D of the Official Plan. The uses requested through the site specific CD 2.2 zoning district conform with policy, which permits a range of commercial and residential uses, exclusive of small scale, low profile residential development. The proposed site plan represents a hybrid of the two types of mixed use development forms outlined in policy and conforms with this section recognizing the irregular shape of the site and existing buildings.

The requested site-specific CD 2.2 zoning and proposed concept plan conforms with the applicable Evaluation Criteria and Design Guidelines set out in sections and Criteria and guidelines related to servicing, urban design, landscaping, site access, and known contamination will be considered as part of the site plan approval process.

Policy provides Council with the ability to establish off-street parking standards that reflect transit supportive designs within mixed-use developments. The recommended zoning speaks to a reduced minimum parking requirement and measures to enhance active transportation.

Chapter 7: Infrastructure

Chapter 7 of the Official Plan indicates that Council shall recognize the link between land use and transportation systems ( The Official Plan also encourages transit supportive development that minimizes vehicle trips and travel distances (, This is to be accomplished by planning for compact, mixed-use development that is located adjacent to transit corridors. The proposed mixed-use development is considered to be transit supportive and will optimize the use of existing municipal services.

Chapter 7 also requires proponents of development to consult with railway companies within 500 metres, which has occurred. The adjacent Detroit River Tunnel Partnership has provided comments.

Chapter 8: Urban Design

Chapter 8 provides direction with respect to fostering a sense of place (, complementary design between new and existing development (, recognizing the unique character of a district (, and matters to consider when evaluating infill development ( & Chapter 8 also defines Mainstreets identified on Schedule G: Civic Image ( and promotes a mix of land uses, pedestrian activity, protection of heritage resources, enhancement of unique character along mainstreets (