Policy, relating to location of surface parking lots;

Policy 9.3 , relating to heritage conservation;

Policy 10 .2.11, relating to noise & vibration; and

Policy 11.7, relating to site plan control.

These policies are included in Appendix C and will be referenced throughout the remainder of this report.

3.3 The City of Windsor Zoning By-law

The City of Windsor Zoning By- law 8600 implements the policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan by regulating built form and land uses throughout the City.

The subject site is currently zoned Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) Zone. The applicant is applying for a Zoning By-law Amendment to a site specific Commercial District 2.2 (CD2.2) zone to permit the redevelopment of the two (2) existing buildings and the construction of a 5-storey, 123 unit multiple dwelling building with on-site parking. The CD2.2 site specific zone will require the following modifications:

The proposed use is comp atible to the other uses currently permited in the surrounding area. The proposed development will help diversify housing options in the surrounding neighbourhood and will help stimulate economic growth near the downtown core .

On-site parking is proposed for the entire development . Parking for the proposed multi -unit building will be provided adjacent to the buildings. In total the parking lot will provide 110 parking spaces, 8 of which will be accessible spaces. (Through a review of the expected resident split (students, profes-sional and family) it is justifiable to require a reduction in the required parking. The details of the justification have been provided for within a Parking Memo, completed by Dillon Consulting Limited, and provided under separate cover.