APPENDIX D – Provincial Policy Statement 2020 Excerpts

  f) establishing development standards for residential intensification, redevelopment and new residential development which minimize the cost of housing and facilitate compact form, while maintaining appropriate levels of public health and safety.
1.5 Public Spaces, Recreation, Parks, Trails and Open Space
1.5.1 Healthy, active communities should be promoted by: a) planning public streets, spaces and facilities to be safe, meet the needs of pedestrians, foster social interaction and facilitate active transportation and community connectivity;
1.6 Infrastructure and Public Service Facilities
1.6.3 Before consideration is given to developing new infrastructure and public service facilities:
  1. the use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities should be optimized; and
  2. opportunities for adaptive re-use should be considered, wherever feasible.
1.6.6 Sewage, Water and Stormwater Planning for sewage and water services shall:
  1. accommodate forecasted growth in a manner that promotes the efficient use and optimization of existing:1. municipal sewage services and municipal water services;
  2. ensure that these systems are provided in a manner that:
    1. can be sustained by the water resources upon which such services rely;
    2. prepares for the impacts of a changing climate;
    3. is feasible, financially viable and complies with all regulatory requirements; and
    4. protects human health and the natural environment; Municipal sewage services and municipal water services are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas to support protection of the environment and minimize potential risks to human health and safety. Within settlement areas with existing municipal sewage services and municipal water services, intensification and redevelopment shall be promoted wherever feasible to optimize the use of the services. Planning for stormwater management shall:
  1. be integrated with planning for sewage and water services and ensure that systems are optimized, feasible and financially viable over the long term;
  2. minimize, or, where possible, prevent increases in contaminant loads;
  3. minimize erosion and changes in water balance, and prepare for the impacts of a changing climate through the effective management of stormwater, including the use of green infrastructure;
  4. mitigate risks to human health, safety, property and the environment;
  5. maximize the extent and function of vegetative and pervious surfaces; and
  6. promote stormwater management best practices, including stormwater attenuation and re-use, water conservation and efficiency, and low impact development.