Sandison Street. This connection will provide easier access to the institutional and commercial facilities at in the Howard/Cabana node. It must be noted that in general, Active Transportation Corridors and links are an important part of connecting communities, and as such require maintenance in the form of snow removal, grass maintenance, and pathway repair. Operating Departments have expressed concern related to the responsibility for the ongoing maintenance of connecting facilities, such as the one proposed in the Orchards Subdivision. These types of facilities that are not directly connected to an adjacent municipally maintained facility may cause an increase in costs for a department tasked with the maintenance of the path.

Risk Analysis:


Climate Change Risks

The site will be subject to a subdivision agreement and will be required to retain storm water on site in a storm water management facility. The storm water retained in that facility will only be released to the City’s Storm sewer system at levels approved by the City of Windsor. The infill development on the site is close to existing bus routes and also commercial and community facilities. This will encourage the use of public transit and walking as modes of transportation, thereby helping to minimize the City’s carbon footprint.

Financial Matters:


As required in the Planning Act, notice was provided by advertisement in the Windsor Star. In addition, a courtesy notice to all property owners and tenants within 120 metres (400 feet) of the subject parcel were sent by mail.

The applications and relevant supporting studies were circulated to commenting agencies. Those responses are included as Appendix A – Comments.


Planner’s Opinion and Conclusions:

The proposed draft plan of subdivision is consistent with the provisions of the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the City of Windsor Official Plan, complies with City of Windsor Zoning By-law and would provide the impetus for further development in an underutilized part of an established area.