The M1 zone in B/L 85-18 is one the City inherited when the Sandwich South Lands were transferred to the City from the County of Essex and Town of Tecumseh. The M1 zone is mostly located along the west side of 7 th Concession and the south side of County Road 42 from the CN rail corridor to 8 th Concession. Windsor International Airport is to the north and residential uses are located along Baseline Road. The airport and residential uses represent interesting challenges in terms of what uses should be permitted in the M1 zone. Administrative efforts should be directed at bringing the Sandwich South Lands subject to B/L 85-18 under B/L 8600 through a housekeeping amendment or through a Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review for the entire City of Windsor.

The MD1.3 and MD1.8 zones are problematic in that they allow a range of transportation-intensive uses, including Transport Terminal, in that lean more toward the MD2 zoning classification. In the interim, it is appropriate to reclassify MD1.3 and MD1.8 to MD2 zoning classification to reflect the nature of the uses permitted by the zones.

ACTION 2: That the MD1.1, MD1.2, MD1.4 and MD1.5 zoning districts BE AMENDED by deleting all references to Transport Terminal as a prohibited as a main use or permitted as an accessory use and by adding Existing Transport Terminal as a permitted use. Consideration may be given to specific parcels or areas where a Transport Terminal shall be permitted as a main use provided the Transport Terminal is consistent with existing planning policy in the PPS and OP, and with the additional policy proposed in Action 1.

ACTION 3: That the City Planner REVIEW the range of uses permitted and prohibited in the MD1,

MD2, and M1 zones to ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement and Official Plan, rationalize and reclassify the zones to be indicative of the nature of the zone and minimize duplication.

ACTION 4: That the MD1.3 and MD1.8 zones BE RECLASSIFIED to an appropriate MD2 zone to reflect their more transport-intensive and industrial uses.

Zoning Provisions


The industrial activity and transport-related definitions were revised as part of Housekeeping Amendment 2017-3. They remain current and relevant. The Planning Department has not received any concerns regarding the interpretation of various transport related definitions.

Any changes that may arise after this study can be considered during the review in Action 3, as part of a future housekeeping amendment if an issue requires an immediate attention, or as part of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review.

NO CHANGE: Staff are not recommending any changes to the definitions in B/L 8600 or B/L 85-18.


The current 11.30 m setback for a transport storage area exceeds the minimum front yard depth of 6.0 and 9.0 m and the exterior side yard width, if required, for most industrial uses in the MD zoning districts in B/L 8600.

The setback should be reduced to match that of the required front yard depth and side yard width of the zoning district. Where no minimum front yard depth is required, the minimum setback shall be 6.0 m from the front lot line. This will ensure a consistent setback and look for all industrial uses.