1. A professional architect or engineer should prepare all types of site plan and related drawings.

  2. Prepare plans in full compliance with the Zoning By-law and applicable building code requirements. Site plan approval does not override any zoning, building code and other requirements.

  3. Site plans and elevations for assembly, institutional and high hazard (F-1) occupancies as defined by the Ontario Building Code and all other buildings exceeding 600 square metres in gross floor area or exceeding 3 storey in building height must be prepared for building permit purposes by either a professional engineer or architect (or both) as required by the Ontario Building Code.

  4. Submit plans that are legible, accurate and professionally drawn. Reductions should be a “black line print” and no larger than 28 cm x 43 cm (11” x 17”).

  5. In addition to paper application, prints and/or reductions, plans and drawings should be submitted in pdf format on compact disc (CD), not to exceed 4500 MG. ZIP files will not be accepted.

    File names should be legible and clearly indicate the nature of the file and include either the SPC file number (SPC-XXX-YY) or the name of the applicant and site location.


It is the responsibility of the agent to ensure that the following information (as applicable) is provided on all submitted plans and documents:

  1. Site Plans

    • Scale, North Point and Unit of Measurement.

    • Site Dimensions (including area) in metric or imperial units.

    • Abutting streets and alleys (including right-of-way width) and sidewalks.

    • Buildings to be retained and/or expanded (including dimensions).

    • Buildings to be erected and/or additions to existing buildings (including dimensions).

    • Distance between building(s) and nearest lot line(s)

    • Parking areas and loading spaces (including number of spaces, size, aisle width, curbs, surface treatment), vehicular access (including dimensions), vehicular access on adjoining lands.

    • Distance from parking areas to buildings and lot lines.

    • Proposed areas to be landscaped. Do not show proposed trees on the site plan.

    • Existing landscaping features (including trees, shrubs, and hedges) labelled as to species and size. Note any features to be retained, moved and/or removed.

    • Walls, fences and landscape features designed for screening.

    • Refuse storage areas including fencing and screening details and separation from buildings

    • Existing freestanding structures that are to remain.

    • Site Statistics: site area, built-up areas, landscaped areas, linear curbing, linear screening, parking/loading breakdown, stacking spaces, etc.

    • All easements/land conveyances be accurately shown on site plan

  2. Fire Access Route

    Applicable to the following buildings:

    • Any size for assembly, care or detention, and high hazard industrial occupancies;

      • Exceeding 600 sq. m. (6,460 sq. ft.) in gross floor area or 3 storeys in building height for other occupancies.

      • Distance from fire hydrant to principal entrance(s)

      • If sprinklered, note location of Siamese connection on site plan.

      • Indicate on the site plan the fire route width, centreline radii, and distances from a fire route to buildings.