10. No person is eligible to become a Board Member or Director of the housing provider if he or she or a current member of the household:

  1. owes, with respect to a previous tenancy in any housing project under any transferred housing program or with respect to the current tenancy or occupancy,

    1. arrears of rent or occupancy charge;

    2. an amount for damage caused by a current member of the household; or

    3. any other charges or fees that applicable governing legislation permits a housing provider to charge; or

  2. is in breach of the housing provider’s agreement, bylaw or policies governing the person’s tenancy or occupancy or is in breach of any applicable legislation governing the tenancy or occupancy.

11. A Board Member or Director of the housing provider cannot participate in any meetings or activities of the Board of Directors if he or she or a current member of the household:

l2. A Board Member or Director of the housing provider is deemed to have resigned from their position on the Board, effective immediately, if:

  1. all monies owed (by the Board Member or Director or current member of the household) to the housing provider arc not paid in full within 90 days of the date the monies were first owed; or

  2. a breach (by the Board Member of Director or current member of the household) of the housing provider's agreement, bylaw or policies governing the person's tenancy or occupancy or any applicable legislation governing the tenancy or occupancy is not corrected within 90 days of the date the breach first occurred. 

13. In the case of a deemed resignation, pursuant to Section 13 paragraph 12, the housing provider will take all reasonable steps to replace the person on the Board.

14. In the event this section conflicts with a housing provider’s Bylaw or policy then this section shall prevail.

Replacement of conflict of interest rules

15. The provisions set out in this Section 13 — Conflict of Interest, paragraphs 1 through 14 may be amended, altered or substituted by rules agreed to in writing, in advance, by the housing provider and the service manager.