8. Verification Guidelines: Priority II household category

A Request for Priority iI Category Form completed and signed by the applicant and any one of the following in their professional capacity:

Section 2

RGI Eligibility Requirements Excerpts from 0. Regulation 367/11 and Windsor Essex Local Rules 

The City of Windsor as Service Manager for Windsor Essex has delegated the centralized wait list function to the Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation (CHC). CHC operates the CHR. References to ”Service Manager” in the relevant sections of the Housing Services Act and related Regulations extend to the CHR.

1. RGI Eligibility Requirement:

Limitations on what can be required in applications 0. Reg. 367/11, s. 43

  1. The service manager shall not require a person to provide information or documents if the service manager is satisfied that the person is unable to do so.

  2. The service manager shalt not require information or documents with respect to an application for assistance in housing provided by a housing provider under its mandate under section 76 of the Act to provide housing to households that are homeless or hard to house if the housing provider informs the service manager that the housing provider is of the view that requiring the information or documents would be inappropriate in the circumstances.

  3. The service manager shall not require information or documents with respect to an application that includes a request for Inclusion In the special priority household category if the member of the househo|d making the request believes that he or she or any other member of the household