Section 2

Household to Report Changes

  1. A household that has applied to be on the centralized wait list, has been placed on the centralized waitlist or is in receipt of rent-geared-to-income assistance ceases to be eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance if the household fails to notify the relevant housing organization, in accordance with this section, of a change described in Section 2 —Household to Report Changes, paragraph 4. 

  2. For a household that has applied to be on the centralized waitlist or has been placed on the centralized waitlist, the relevant housing organization referred to in Section 2 - Household to Report Changes, paragraph I is the Central Housing Registry-Windsor Essex County.

  3. For a household in receipt of rent-geared-to-income assistance, the relevant housing organization referred to in Section 2 — Household to Report Changes, paragraph I is the housing provider landlord to which the household is required to pay rent.

  4. The change referred to in Section 2— Household to Report Changes, paragraph I is a change to any information or document that the household previously provided to the relevant housing organization and that the household was required to provide for the purposes of determining the household's eligibility or continued eligibility for rent-geared-to-income assistance or for the purposes of determining the amount of rent payable by the household.

  5. Subject to Section 2 — Household is to Report Changes, paragraph 6, a notification of a change must be given to the relevant housing organization within 30 calendar days after the change occurs. 

  6. The relevant housing organization may extend the period of time for notifying the relevant housing organization, either before or after the period has expired on a case-by-case basis.

  7. The household shall notify the relevant housing organization, (a) for a change to a document, by providing a copy of the changed document; and ()) for a change to the information, by providing a notice setting out the change.

  8. Section 2 — Household to Report Changes, does not apply to a household occupying a unit provided by a housing provider under its mandate under Section 76 of the Housing Services Act to provide housing to households that are homeless or hard to house if the relevant housing organization informs the service manager that the housing organization is of the view that requiring the household to comply with this Section would be inappropriate in the circumstances. 

  9. Despite Section 2 — Household to Report Changes, paragraph I, the service manager may determine that the household remains eligible if the service manager is satisfied that there are extenuating circumstances.