”After nourishment, shelter and companionship,

STORIES are the thing we need most in the world." | Philip Pullman

Willistead Manor is one of the most important buildings in our community. I am pleased to take the opportunity to thank everyone that works to keep this mansion, the surrounding buildings, and the park site vibrant, thriving and packed with art, culture and heritage all year long.

In 2018, we finished a major restoration that saw the manor and surrounding buildings treated to window upgrades, roof repairs and work on stucco, wood and masonry. Willistead's guests were able to see the incredible impact of that complex work in 2019. This renewed interest in visitors to the manor and increased the sense of pride for those working to show it off.

For the third year in a row, our City team and the Friends of W/7/istead saw record numbers of attendees for our Holiday Tours. Approximately 3,200 guests toured the manor as part of the season that included popular new Breakfast with Santa events. Our City-Ied “At the Manor” programs drew in an additional 2,600 guests. This series included yoga classes, an opera production, returning Thyme To-Go catered events for Easter and Mother’s Day, and the new ”first annual" High Tea & Garden Party, and Harvest Dinner events. Meanwhile, the Board of Directors hosted a popular art and heritage lecture with Professor Farrell, Poetry at the Manor Vol. 7 was standing—room only, and the community-favorite Art in the Park festival was a huge success. Our 2019 offerings at Willistead Manor were diverse, unique and sold-out.

While guests continued to enjoy the recently acquired portrait of Edward Chandler Walker, we sent the portrait of Elizabeth Talman Walker, granddaughter of Hiram, off to be restored. That piece returned to the manor early in 2020. My thanks go to Robert Gauthier and the Acquisitions Committee for continuing to search for gems that add to the Manor story. Thank you to the Friends of Willistead — for the programs and initiatives you help deliver throughout the year, and for the incredible time and effort, you put into getting the manor ready for the holidays. Thank you to Pam and Tony Morse — for your continued support of Willistead, and for helping us maintain the important link between our City and the Walker family. Thanks also to the Board of Directors, the donors, and the City staff working to preserve and program this space.

Windsor’s Story connects to the history of Walkerville and the Walker family, and to the many contributions made during the formation of our community. Willistead Manor is a big part of that history. More and more, residents and visitors look to engage with this piece of Windsor’s past that is a key part of its present and future. Thank you for being part of the success of Willistead Manor.