- (ii) the household requests to be reinstated.
Determination of Ranking Date
- 2. A household ranks higher than another household with a later ranking date.
- 3. The ranking date for a household that was added to the centralized waitlist under Section 1 — Centralized Wait List & Overhoused Transfer List, paragraph 1, subsection (a) is the date the household applied for rent-geared-to-income assistance.
- 4. The ranking date for a household indicating a preference for a housing project after the determination that the household is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance is, With respect to the housing project(s) selected, the date the household applied for rent-geared-to-income assistance as determined under Section 1 - Determination of Ranking Date, paragraph 3 above.
- 5. The ranking date for a household that was added to the centralized waitlist under Section 8 - Overhoused Rule is the date the overused household applied for rent—geared- to- income assistance before first beginning to receive rent~geared-t0-income assistance.
- 6. The ranking date for an RGI household added to the centralized waitlist for a transfer to a unit will be as follows:
- for choice transfers, the date the household service manager’s service area; or requested a transfer to another unit in the
- if the household occupies a unit provided by an alternative housing provider under its mandate to provide housing to homeless or hard-to-house households, the date the household applied for rent-geared-to-income assistance before first beginning to receive rent-geared-to-income assistance.
- for choice transfers, the date the household service manager’s service area; or requested a transfer to another unit in the
- 7. Despite the ranking dates set out in this Section, the ranking date for a household that is eligible for rent-geared-to-income assistance under a category established by the local priority rules established by the service manager is the date determined by the service manager for the local priority household category.
Determination of Priority Ranking
Special priority households
8. Despite Section 1 — Determination of Ranking Date, paragraph 3, a special priority household as well as a special priority household on the overused transfer list both rank higher than another household that is not a special priority household.
9. The special priority ranking date is the date the household requested to be included in the special priority household category.