Appendix A

Robert Gauthier

From: Leslie Merinof
Sent: February-19-20 6:50 PM
To: Robert Gauthier
Subject: Re: Willistead Manor
Attachments: image001.jpg

Hi Robert,

So I thought about it — and I'm so excited on honored that you ask. I'm not ready at this time to join because I am so busy with my startups in New York. But one of these days I would love to join. That said, you can count on me for an annual financial contribution and I would love to come at least once per year. Maybe there's a board meeting or committee for an event that I can make the trip for? You don't have to answer now - but if something comes up please stay in touch. I have a pretty basic website but you can find it here.

And here is the guest house.

Anytime you'd like to visit we'd love to host you - just say the word.

All my best,


On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 10:14 AM Robert Gauthier_ wrote:

Hi Leslie, sorry to hear your not well. That flu thing can be a real drag. Hope you are better soon. Please take your time to think about joining our board, and if we can make it work for you in any way, please let us know.

Best Robert

From: Leslie Merinoff
Sent: February-06-20 9:00 AM
To: Robert Gauthier
Subject: Re: Willistead Manor 


Hi Robert

Thank you so much for the note! I'm sorry it's taking me so long to respond — I've been in bed with the flu for a week. I would love to join the board - it's totally in line with what I'm passionate about - I just need to give it some thought - specifically as to whether I can dedicate enough time to it right now as I have a lot going on. Thank you so much for thinking of me for a seat.