
Section Topic Page
Section 1 Ranking and Selection System 3
Centralized Wait List & Overhoused Transfer List 3
Determination of Ranking Date 4
Determination of Priority Ranking 4
Alternative Housing Provider 6
Conversion from Market to RGI Rent 6
Refusals to Offer by Housing Provider 6
Special Needs Housing 7
Section 2 Household to Report Changes 8
Section 3 Pursuit of Income 9
Section 4 Maximum Household Income Limit (HILS) 10
Section 5 Asset Limit 10
Section 6 Previous RGI Criminal Conviction 10
Section 7 Absence Rule 11
Section 8 Overhoused Rule 11
Section 9 Refusal of an Offer - ineligibility 14
Section 10 Windsor/Essex Occupancy Standards 15
Section 11 Annual Income and Occupancy Reviews 17
Section 12 Deferral or Forgiveness of Geared-to-Income Rent 18
Section 13 Conflict of Interest 19
Minimum Number of Board Meetings Per Year 22
Expenses, Meetings and Remuneration, Directors 22
Property Management Contracts, Services, Procurement 22
Leases and Occupancy Agreements - Requirements 23
Section 14 Review of Certain Decisions 24