Q&As for MMAH’s Municipal Services Offices and Service Managers on RESIDENTIAL RENT FREEZE FOR 2021

25.How is the province helping Service Managers impacted by COVID-19?

The Social Services Relief Fund (SSRF) is now providing $510 million in 2020-21, including additional funding underthe Safe Restart Agreement ($212 million), to municipal Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to improve housing and homeless shelter solutions, and support vulnerable people.

Service Managers are the local housing and homelessness system managers and will be able to use the funding to provide housing and social supports to organizations serving vulnerable populations, including funding to homeless shelters and food banks, and providing emergency rental assistance to those in rental arrears. The capital component will also allow for Ionger~term housing solutions (e‘g., acquisition of units/facilities and renovation of existing shelters, community and supportive housing) to meet public health requirements and prepare the homelessness sector for subsequent waves.

This funding will help a diverse range of vulnerable people, create Ionger-term housing solutions for those in need, and provide the support the sector needs to safely and successfully transition to recovery.