calculated, the household would continue to pay $300 per month for the remainder of the 2021 calendar year. The rent increase would come into effect January 1, 2022.

What this means for our Rental Housing Capital and Ontario Renovates Multi-Residential Proponents

The residential rent increase guideline for 2021 has been amended from 1.5% to 0%, therefore residential landlords inclusive of our Rental Housing Capital and Ontario Renovates Multi-Residential proponents, are not permitted to increase residential rents from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Risk Analysis:

As the designated Consolidated Municipal Service Manager for Windsor and Essex County, the City of Windsor bears the responsibility for delivering social housing programs in accordance with legislation including the HSA, and the MMAH’s direction and guidelines, and reporting performance on a regular basis.

There are significant risks associated with non- compliance which may result in MMAH’s following actions, as legislatively prescribed (HSA, s 32(1)):

Housing Services has implemented the HSA Regulatory Changes in accordance with the criteria set forward in the new legislation to ensure compliance is achieved in Windsor Essex within the prescribed timelines.

Climate Change Risks


Climate Change Mitigation: N/A