commented that earlier houses sponsored by the Detroit Free Press were often located in better residential section of Detroit, and had proven to be influential to home builders from both side of the river. 22 The Granville was the first in Border Cities and had created much interest for residential opportunities in South Windsor amongst residents of Detroit and the Border Cities. In June of 1929, important public officials such as the U.S. Consul at Windsor and his associate, and the Mayor of Windsor Cecil Jackson, participated in the formal opening ceremony of the Granville Demonstration Home. This property represents the close connections and interdependence between Detroit and the former Border Cities Areas (Windsor Region). Collaborated mutual interest from both sides of the border resulted in the construction of the demonstration home. In fact, the Hon. P. C. Squire, Associate U.S. Consul at Windsor, noted the international character of this building, and that “This Model Home is a remarkable illustration of the good will existing between friendly neighbors no less than a worthy example of the home builder’s art”. 23