The London Plan (2016)

The environmental policies of the London Plan, approved by council in 2016, build on the current Official Plan policies. The London Plan has a strong focus on protecting and improving the City’s Natural Heritage System. Specifically, the goals of the City with respect to Natural Heritage focus on the following:

1308_ We will plan for our city to ensure that London’s Natural Heritage System is protected, conserved, enhanced, and managed for present and for future generations by taking the following actions:

  1. 1. Achieve healthy terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the city’s subwatersheds.

  2. Provide for the identification, protection, rehabilitation, and management of natural heritage features and areas and their ecological functions.

  3. Protect, maintain, and improve surface and groundwater quality and quantity by protecting wetlands, groundwater recharge areas and headwater streams.

  4. Enhance, protect and conserve the Natural Heritage System through well planned built form and community design.

  5. Maintain, restore, monitor and improve the diversity and connectivity of natural heritage features and areas and the long-term ecological function and biodiversity of Natural Heritage Systems.

  6. Encourage, through education and incentive programs, the cooperation of property owners in the maintenance of, or enhancement to, the naturalization of lands and the sustainable use of our Natural Heritage System.

  7. Monitor the potential impacts of climate change to maintain the integrity and resiliency of the Natural Heritage System and adjust management activities accordingly.

  8. Provide opportunities for appropriate recreational activities based on the ecological sensitivities of the area.