on existing and new vegetation patches with objectives to protect, maintain and enhance natural areas and habitats.

-- TR-3: Target management efforts on vegetation patches with evidence of invasive species presence. Management initiatives should include invasive species removal, litter clean-up, and management of random trail use. The target habitats for invasive species management are those natural areas in good condition that currently have low abundance of invasive/non-native species. Containment of non-native species is more effective and less costly if control can begin at the first detection of invasion. The sites with heavy abundance are lowest priority unless they are associated with rare species or unusual communities or wildlife habitat that is compromised by their presence.

-- Table 1: Action Plan

»Â» E-4: Produce an informational brochure such as the ‘Living With Natural Areas” pamphlet for residents living near the Thames River and its tributary creeks, concerning impacts of household products on water quality, illegal dumping, managing yard waste, use of native species in landscaping, responsible use of natural areas.

Conservation Master Plans for Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA)

Conservation Master Plans (CMP) are completed to emphasize the protection and enhancement of the ecological integrity and ecosystem health of the Environmentally Significant Areas in the City of London. Invasive species management and control is addressed in detail for some of the City’s owned and managed ESAs. Recommendations, timelines and potential costs may also be identified in CMPs.

City of London Urban Forest Strategy-Enhancing the Forest City, 2014

The Urban Forest Strategy is a plan designed to outline the steps the City of London must take to protect, enhance, and monitor the urban forest system. The mission of the Strategy is to “Plant More, Protect More and Maintain better”. The integration of invasive species management into the management of the urban forest system is a critical step in improving the health of the City’s natural environment. Invasive species management supports the following Strategy goals and actions:

Plant More

Strategic Goal 3 - Establish a diverse tree population city-wide as well as at the neighbourhood level.