Council Report: S 164/2020

Subject: CQ 16-2019 - Options for Invasive Species Management - East Bank of Little River


Date to Council: 12/2/2020
Author: Karen Cedar
City Naturalist
Report Date: 11/13/2020
Clerk’s File #: SR2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE this report in response to CQ 16-2019.

Executive Summary:



On July 8, 2019, Councillor Gignac asked that “ Administration prepare a maintenance plan for East Bank of Little River where resident delegations identified a noxious, invasive plant (weed) issue”. This report is in response to that question.


Wild Parsnip and Tree of Heaven are both non-native, invasive plant species found within the City of Windsor. On June 5, 2020, Administration conducted a survey of the east bank of Little River Drain between Wyandotte Street East and McHugh Street. The survey results showed that Wild Parsnip was commonly found along the side of the bank and top of bank. Additionally, immature Tree of Heaven plants were found in a few clusters along the bank. Currently there is no targeted management of Wild Parsnip or Tree of Heaven in this location.

The Invasive Exotic Species Ranking for Southern Ontario rates invasive species in four (4) categories from the most invasive (Category 1) to potentially invasive plants (Category 4).