Refer to Appendix A for more information about each listing.


Recommendation III is to confirm that the two properties which were previously approved by Council for demolition of the buildings, would be retained as properties on the Heritage Register, but only for recognition limited to the reinstalled heritage wall structures. The two properties are the former St. Bernard School and the former mid-century City Hall building (limited to the inscripted stone wall). The revised listing would be:

Refer to Appendix A for more information about each listing.


Recommendation IV speaks to a technical exercise to remove reference on the Heritage Register to the 3857 Riverside Dr E- Robert B arr House “Inn on the River” already demolished.

The c1879 cast iron & brick Robert Barr House Fence/Wall (previously relocated to site from former Downtown Post Office location), is existing as a separate listing on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register, and will remain so. Council’s 2014 decision to allow for the demolition of the House included requirement that the heritage fence be refurbished and incoporated as part of a new development. That Council direction is currently being implemented through a Site Plan Application for redevelopment of this property.

Refer to Appendix A for more information about 3857 Riverside Dr. E.