Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS) Ontario is a web-based mapping system for documenting invasive species distribution. This existing provincial system is a fast and easy way to map invasive species without requiring any GIS or technical computer experience. Promoting the use of EDDMapS to the public not only helps homeowners become more engaged, but also educates them about invasive species recognition. Using a common reporting tool allows the distribution information to be kept in one central database. Invasive species tracked by EDDMapS can be found at https://www.eddmaps.org/ontario/Species / .

Currently identified invasive plant species of concern in London’s Natural Heritage System on the City of London’s “watch-list” will include, but are not limited to:

Plant Species

Current Management Activities

Phragmites australis (Common Reed)*

Multiple sites in ESAs, parks, VMP

Japanese Knotweed*

Several sites in ESAs, parks, woodlands

Dog Strangling Vine*

Ongoing management – Kilally Meadows ESA

Common and Glossy Buckthorn*

Multiple sites in ESAs, parks, woodlands

Giant Hogweed*

Eradicated when identified on public property

Garlic Mustard

Site specific control when budget permits


Site specific control (Medway Valley, Coves)


Site specific control (multiple sites)

Purple Loosestrife

Support Beetle releases as needed

Black Locust

Site specific control when budget permits

Scots Pine

Multiple sites in ESAs

Non-Native Honeysuckle

limited areas when budget permits

Russian Olive/Autumn Olive

limited areas when budget permits

Black Alder

limited areas when budget permits

*denotes priority species