

D. Sanborn informs the Board members that J. Douglas Willms has chosen not to be re-appointed to the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc. and indicates that a letter, thanking Ms. Douglas Willms for her contribution to the Board will be sent to her.

Moved by R. Jasey, Seconded by C. Gaudette,

That the following persons BE RE-APPOINTED to the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc., for a two year term expiring August 17, 2022.



5.1 Management

C. Masterson, Manager, Cultural Affairs, informs the Board members that a new alarm system has been installed in the Manor and that entrance through the office doors now requires swipe card access, which will help control flow in and out of the building.

C. Masterson also informs that the Manor is currently closed until December 31, 2020 and that Administration is waiting for further direction from City Council. Outdoor weddings are still taking place in the Paul Martin Gardens and they are following all of the guidelines as directed by the Province of Ontario.

Tom Graziano, Senior Manager, Facilities indicates that there are no new projects taking place at the Manor at this time and that due the current Covid19 pandemic, only regular maintenance is taking place. He informs the Board members that the front courtyard has been approved for 2022 but the project has not yet been defined. T. Graziano explains that once the project is initiated the original design will be reviewed once again. R. Gauthier requests that the Board members have the opportunity to look at the proposal and if possible provide input at the appropriate time.