Windsor, Ontario, December 2, 2020

REPORT NO. 112 of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, WILLISTEAD MANOR INC. of its meeting held October 8, 2020


D. Sanborn -- Chair

A. Abu-Zahra

J. Evans

C. Gaudette

R. Gauthier

R. Jasey

D. Langstone

K. Renaud

Your Board submits the following recommendations:

Moved by R. Jasey, seconded by R. Gauthier,

That the Annual Report and Financial Statements on the affairs and operations of Willistead Manor Inc. for the year 2019, attached as Appendix A, BE ACCEPTED as presented.


Moved by D. Langstone, seconded by J. Evans,

That upon acceptance of the 2019 Annual Report by City Council, copies BE FORWARDED to a list of appropriate parties as approved by the Board.


Moved by R. Jasey, seconded by C. Gaudette,

That in accordance with Sections 6 (c) of the City of Windsor Act, 1981, an amount of $ 8,361. BE PAID OVER to the City of Windsor Willistead Capital Restoration Reserve Fund.




Executive Secretary
Name  Address  City/Prov/Pstcd  Telephone  FAX
Board of Directors Willistead Manor Inc.