Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor Sleiman,

That the report from the Administrator of Huron Lodge providing the Committee of Management with an update on issues related to resident care, the Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC), the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and other initiatives that impact the Long Term-Care sector BE RECEIVED for information and APPROVED for the period of March 2020 to September 17, 2020.


6. Communications

A. Sirbu advises that through the pandemic, Huron Lodge has been working with several health care agencies and each long term residence has been partnered with a local hospital. Huron Lodge is partnered with Hotel Dieu Grace Health Care and there is a team of professionals that provides information relating to infection control practices, human resources and staffing allocations.

A. Sirbu refers to a letter recently received from the Minister of Long Term Care regarding the delineation of the obligation of the operation for long term care and the fact they have to do everything to maintain the safety of residents, i.e. staffing and infection control.

Clerk’s Note : The letter from the Ministry of Long Term Care, dated September 11, 2020 entitled “COVID - 19 Wave 2 Preparedness Results” as referred to by the Executive Director is attached .

7. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at the call of the Chair.

8. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting is adjourned at 10:31 o’clock a.m.



