To His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council:

This is the Willistead Manor Inc. Annual Report to City Council on the affairs and operations of the Corporation for the calendar year 2019.

The Willistead Manor Inc. Board of Directors act in a policy advisory capacity to City Council on the operation of Willistead Manor Inc.; however, the ongoing management of the facility is under the direction of the Office of Parks, Recreation, Culture and Facilities. A full report of the activities in the facility may be obtained from that Service Area.

Introduction and Background

The City of Windsor Act, 1981 established a Corporation without share capital under the name of Willistead Manor Inc., with the objective to receive, maintain, manage, control and use donations for charitable purposes for the rehabilitation of Willistead Manor Inc.

For the p urpose of attaining its objective, the Corporation “Willistead Manor Inc.” has the power to accept and hold any real or personal property granted, donated, devised, bequeathed or otherwise conveyed to it and to convert any such property into money and further to advise City Council respecting the following:

  1. The operation of Willistead Manor Inc.;

  2. The development and maintenance of the grounds of "Willistead Park";

  3. The promotion and development of Willistead Manor Inc. as a centre for amusement, entertainment and exhibitions;

  4. The promotion of meetings, receptions and displays in Willistead Manor;

  5. The promotion of educational or cultural activities in Willistead Manor;

  6. The promotion of the performing arts, including musical and artistic work, in Willistead Manor.

Pursuant to Section 12 of By-law Number 1 of the Corporation, enacted October 29, 1981, the Board of Directors shall, once annually, hold a meeting at which will be approved for submission to City Council, a review of the affairs and operations of the Corporation for the year immediately preceding and a financial statement which contains a profit and loss statement and a balance sheet for the year. This report is submitted in accordance with By-law Number 1.