Item No. 8.2

Council Report: C 240/2020

Subject: Increased Funding for Additional Staffing at Huron Lodge due to Case Mix Index - City Wide


Date to Council: 12/21/2020
Author: Sandra Bradt
Executive Initiatives Coordinator
519-255-5200 x 5354
Huron Lodge
Report Date: 12/7/2020
Clerk’s File #: AS2020

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the report from the Executive Director/Administrator of Huron Lodge Long-Term Care Home BE RECEIVED for information; and further,

THAT City Council APPROVE the establishment of 14 FTE positions within the Huron Lodge staff complement; and further,

THAT City Council APPROVE the salaries and other related staffing costs to be fully funded from the $1,075,000 provided by the Ministry of Long-term Care.

Executive Summary:



Huron Lodge is a municipally-owned long term care home, governed by the Ministry of Long-Term Care through the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 and accompanying Regulations.

The fundamental principle of the Act is “that a long -term care home is primarily the home of its residents and is to be operated so that it is a place where they may live with dignity and in security, safety and comfort, and have their physical, psychological, social, spiritua l and cultural needs adequately met.” Further, the Act states that “ Every licensee of a long-term care home shall ensure that the home meets the staffing and care standards provided for in the regulations” .