Event Planning Committee

In the fall of 2018, Willistead Manor received a portrait of Edward Chandler Walker from the National Gallery in Washington D.C. The renowned Detroit artist, Gari Melchers, was commissioned and painted many important members of society, including the Walkers.

The Event Planning Committee hosted a very successful fundraising event “An Evening with Professor Michael Farrell”, on May 22, 2019, wh ich included a lecture by Professor Michael Farrell about Gari Melcher’s career. This event was very well received and very well attended. Attendees included Pam and Tony Morse, decedents of the Walker Family. The lecture itself took place in the Saltmarche Gallery and coffee, tea and desserts were served on the main floor, giving attendees the opportunity to explore the first floor of the Manor and gaze at the portrait of Edward Chandler Walker.

Willistead Manor was fortunate to receive a portrait of Elizabeth Talman Walker, daughter of James Harrington Walker and granddaughter of Hiram Walker, painted by Frank Percy Wild. The portrait, which was donated by Sue Maloney, daughter of Elizabeth Talman Walker, arrived in July 2018 and has been restored at the direction of the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc., with partial funding for the restoration provided by local Questers groups. This beautifully restored portrait of Elizabeth Talman Walker, now hangs in the Dining Room of Willistead Manor.

The Event Planning Committee is planning an event to acknowledge the Questers groups for their very generous donation and to give them the opportunity to view the beautifully restored portrait.

Many exciting things are happening at Willistead Manor and the Event Planning Committee is looking forward to planning and hosting more wonderful events.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Gaudette

Colleen Gaudette BA, ARIDO

Executive Member of the Board of Directors, Willistead Manor Inc., Chair of the Event

Planning Committee, Willistead Manor Inc.