as Chair. After he retires, he is willing to continue to sit in as a member of the Committee under the category of Retired Participant, who is not or was not a member of Local 616 of the Amalgamated Transit Union. There is currently one vacancy for a non-union member on the committee. Administration recommends this appointment.

Traditionally, the Executive Director has assumed the duties of Plan administration, which includes duties like completing financial filings with the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), administering fund transfers for pensioners and liaises with Mercer, who performs financial functions of The Plan. Plan administration also includes preparing documents for annual pension audit files. In discussions with City Finance, it is recognized that many of these functions would be better suited to be completed by the City of Windsor Finance Department. The Plan does allow for the administration of the duties to be completed by another institution. City Finance has recommended the duties of Plan administration be conducted by the Deputy Treasurer of Financial Accounting. Administration recommends this change to the administration duties of the Plan.

Risk Analysis:

The Plan is regulated by the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and requires Transit Windsor to remain in compliance with revisions to the Act and other forms of legislation like the Income Tax Act (Federal).

Since The Plan has been closed since 2000, with no new members, the risk of not making any further amendments to The Plan in the future may cause Committee Membership challenges, especially for the appointment of Chair.

Climate Change Risks

Climate Change Mitigation:


Climate Change Adaptation:

Financial Matters:

There are no financial implications related to these proposed Committee changes.


Dan Seguin, Deputy Treasurer of Financial Accounting, City of Windsor

Chad Spence, Mercer (Canada) Ltd.