III. THAT the following 2 structures BE RETAINED on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register: 

IV. THAT the following property BE REMOVED from the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register:

Executive Summary: N/A


The Ontario Heritage Act allows municipalities to include non-designated properties, believed to have cultural heritage value or interest, to be included on the official Municipal Heritage Register. Properties on the heritage register are provided protection against quick demolition. The City of Windsor first undertook a comprehensive review of properties on an unofficial Heritage Inventory, and in August 2007 City Council approved the first Register listings; most others were added in June 2008. Numerous properties have been added since then, and some removed; several have been designated. Changes were last approved by Council in July 8, 2019. The current Windsor Municipal Heritage Register is available on the City’s website, linked from:

http://www.citywindsor.ca/residents/planning/Plans-and-Community-Information/Know- Your-Community/Heritage-Planning/Pages/Windsor-Municipal-Heritage-Register.aspx

The recommendations for additions, clarification and consolidation, retention and removals of properties on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register will recognize and protect heritage resources in the City of Windsor and keep the Heritage Register current.