Finally, a special thank-you to the acquisitions committee whose hard work and dedication allows the Manor to maintain the high-level of historical quality and community value that Willistead Manor Inc. strives for.

As your Chair, I would like to thank the entire Board of Directors for their continued support and tireless effort. Working together, we can achieve our vision of creating “An interactive world-class cultural site that promotes personal and community experiences connecting the past to the future.”

Unfortunately, at the time of writing Covid-19 will have forced the Manor to remain closed for the balance of 2020 however the board is looking forward to 2021 and receiving the curatorial consultant’s report to kick off the development of a historical exhibit in the Coach House made possible by the generous Merinoff family donations.

The Board of Directors and the Chair also wish to thank the following people from the City of Windsor for their interest and support:

Jan Wilson – Corporate Leader, Parks, Corporate Facilities, Recreation & Culture

Ray Mensour – Executive Director, Recreation & Culture

Tom Graziano – Senior Manager, Facilities

Cathy Masterson – Manager of Cultural Affairs

Christopher Menard – Cultural Development Coordinator

Kim Manzerolle – Recreation Centre Clerk, Willistead Manor

Dan Seguin – Deputy Treasurer, Financial Accounting

Sue Hallett-Zufelt – Financial Analyst, Financial Accounting

Steve Vlachodimos – Deputy City Clerk & Senior Manager, Council Services

Sandra Gebauer – Council Assistant and Executive Secretary to the Board of

Directors, Willistead Manor Inc. Council Services

Bonnie Reid – Resident Custodian

Respectfully submitted,

Douglas Sanborn

Douglas Sanborn

Chair, Willistead Manor Inc.

Board of Directors