6.1 Fundraising

D. Langstone informs the Board members that he nominated Willistead Manor as a recipient of a grant from Inspiration 100, explaining that Inspiration 100 is a collaborative fund bringing 100 community members together to donate $2500 yearly for 10 years. D. Langstone informs that while Willistead Manor was not successful in receiving a grant, nominating it may help raise awareness of the Manor by the donor group.

6.2 Community Relations and Promotion


6.3 Acquisitions

R. Gauthier informs the Board members that he is still attempting to locate art pieces that have been bequeathed in Edward Chandler’s will but has not been successful thus far.

6.4 Friends of Willistead (FOW)

K. Renaud informs the Board members that although 2020 marks the 40 th Anniversary of the Friends of Willistead as a volunteer group, the group will commemorate their 40 th Anniversary next year.

6.5 Education


6.6 Historical


6.7 Event Planning Committee



The Board members discuss the annual fundraising letter and all members agree that a fundraising letter should be prepared and sent out again this year. The members ask whether the City would accept e-transfer payments and D. Seguin agrees to provide further information. D. Sanborn a sks that all members review last year’s letter, which will be sent to them, and provide any feedback or suggestions that they may have.