3. Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by Councillor McKenzie, seconded by A. Yakonich,

That the minutes of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee of its meeting held June 23, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.


4. Business Items

4.1 Housing & Homelessness Master Plan 2019 Annual Report

K. Goz advises a report will be going to Council in the next few months that will provide additional information relating to the 2019 Annual Report. As 2019 was a transition year between the previous version of the 10 Year Plan and the new one, the structure of the report flows a little differently in response to the targets that were identified in the renewed 10 Year Housing & Homelessness Master Plan.

Councillor McKenzie states that the number one priority is to expand the supply of affordable housing. He asks if the number of new affordable housing units added in 2019 was zero. K. Goz responds that the amount of housing has expanded and increased in terms of affordable units that are supported through rent supplement and the number of households that have accessed those units. It does not necessarily mean that the housing is new bricks and mortar but how we are expanding affordability across Windsor-Essex which also includes rent subsidies for units that already exist in the community.

Councillor McKenzie indicates he is not sure the statistics are quantified in the report. K. Goz replies that 670 new households were assisted in either RGI, affordable rental housing units and/or rent assisted units in 2019. She adds when the report comes before Council, they can provide a more detailed breakdown of this data.

Councillor McKenzie asks if consideration has been given to whether or not there has been a breakdown of private or public sector and non-profit sector units added in the affordable housing space and is there access to that data. K. Goz responds that this matter is being looked at by administration to determine how to gather and track that information. She notes that information was received from Windsor Family Homes and Community Partnerships and Habitat for Humanity regarding the net increases for affordable housing in 2019. She adds that it is her understanding that the Building Department will be putting in a system in place that will assist with tracking the number of affordable units created through the private sector.

Councillor McKenzie asks how are we trending towards the 10,000 unit goal and where are we after year one. We should have added 1,000 units which should be