have their income exempt from the rent calculation, removing the conditions previously attached to this exemption.

The legislative RGI simplification changes came into force on July 1, 2020 but allow Service Managers the choice of implementing the changes on July 1, 2020 or July 1, 2021. The target date to implement the RGI simplification changes in Windsor Essex is set for July 1, 2021.

Training, resources and sector support will be facilitated in advance of our implementation of the RGI calculation simplification changes.

Communications regarding these regulatory changes have taken place in a number of ways since the province announced these changes in September 2019, such as:

Bill 204 – 2021 Residential Rent Freeze

The Helping Tenants and Small Businesses Act, 2020 will amend the RTA’s rent increase guideline for 2021, which was set at 1.5 per cent, thereby freezing residential rents at their 2020 rental rates.

The 2021 rent freeze applies to both market and RGI households living in the majority of rental units covered by the RTA, including: