2. Declaration of Conflict

None disclosed.

3. Minutes

Moved by D. Ableser, seconded by S. Spagnuolo,

That the minutes of the International Relations Committee of its meeting held June 18, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.

4. Business Items

4.1 Mayor’s Summit Mannheim

Moved by D. Ableser, seconded y S. Spagnuolo,

That the update provided by Councillor Francis regarding his participation on behalf of Mayor Dilkens at the Virtual Mayor’s Summit in Mannheim, Germany on September 9, 2020 BE RECEIVED .


4.2 Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce Initiative

The Chair reports that the draft letter regarding an initiative by the Chamber of Commerce to propose an arrangement to extend membership benefits to members of our sister cities at no cost was approved by the Chamber of Commerce. He adds it is prudent to wait to send the letter to the Sister Cities until the second or third quarter of 2021 due to COVID-19.

Moved by J. Barycki, seconded by S. Spagnuolo,

That the update provided by the Chair regarding the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce initiative BE RECEIVED , and further that the letter regarding this initiative BE SENT to the Sister Cities in 2021.


4.3 2020 Children’s Art Exchange

The Chair advises that members of the IRC had the opportunity to view the Virtual Children’s Art Exhibit prior to the meeting. He adds the Twin Cities that participated in