“To further enhance the City’s commitment to leadership in managing and protecting the Natural Heritage System from the threats, dangers and costs associated with invasive plant species presence.”

As identified in policy 1417 of the London Plan, management of invasive plant species and associated restoration efforts will focus on specific components of the Natural Heritage System including the following:

  1. Environmentally Significant Areas - to protect the existing ecosystem features and functions, to increase the amount of interior forest habitat, and to strengthen corridors.

  2. Significant Wetlands - to protect the natural features and ecological functions of all provincially significant wetlands and wetlands.

  3. Significant Valleylands - to protect existing ecosystem features and functions, maintain water resource functions, and rehabilitate eroded banks and channels.

  4. Significant Woodlands and Woodlands - to protect existing ecosystem features and functions, to increase the amount of interior forest habitat, and to retain or restore linkages between isolated natural areas.

  5. upland Corridors - to retain or create linkages between otherwise isolated natural areas.