Diversity Committee

Meeting held September 29, 2020 via Zoom video conference

A meeting of the Diversity Committee is held this day commencing at 10:00 o’clock a.m. via Zoom video conference, there being present the following members:

Peter Ijeh, Chair
Councillor Ed Sleiman
Riham Al-Saadi
Saiful Bhuiyan
Lacy Carty (arrives at 10:10 a.m.)
Sherrilynn Colley-Vegh
Yo Son Day Nost Huff
Sungee John
Jamie Bell
Khagendra Gautam (arrives at 10:18 a.m.)

Guests in attendance:

Dr. Jane Ku, Acting Director of Women’s & Gender Studies, and Dr. Urvashi Soni-Sinha, University of Windsor

Also present are the following resource personnel:

Valerie Critchley, City Clerk
Vincenza Mihalo, Executive Director Human Resources
Gayle Jones, Diversity/Accessibility Officer
Dana Cavers, Community Engagement & Project Coordinator
Katie Pavlovski, Coordinator Community Development
Neil MacEachrane, Windsor Police Services
Karen Kadour, Committee Coordinator

1. Call to Order

The Chair calls th e meeting to order at 10:00 o’clock a.m. and the Committee considers the Agenda being Schedule A attached hereto, matters which are dealt with as follows:

2. Declaration of Conflict

None disclosed.